April 21, 2023

Bewitching Fairy Tales

Posted on April 21, 2023  •  2 minutes  • 240 words

Stalks of Gold:

Magic isn’t a solution; it’s a trap.

If Aurelia comes across magic, she’s supposed to run in the other direction. Life is no longer so simple. If the tower door opens, and she doesn’t have any gold, her life will be forfeit.

No one is going to help her, not even her closest friend. No one, except for the mysterious stranger who appeared on her doorstep and in her tower room. If she takes the deal, she might live, but what will she sacrifice in order to do it?

Sandor’s worlds collided when Aurelia was brought before King Eadric. Is he truly so desperate to get out of debt, he’s willing to believe such nonsense as a girl who can spin straw into gold? She’s Sandor’s closest friend. If Aurelia were a witch, he would know it. It’s impossible, or so he thought.

Nothing makes sense anymore, but Sandor’s determined to figure it out and save Aurelia from the king. The more he learns, the more he wonders, is the king the real threat, or is there something more dangerous lurking in the shadows?

Search results for “bewitching fairy tales celeste baxendell” (showing 1-10 of 10 books) ( (link to book)

Note Of Chivalry and Revenge is a prequel set in the same world and Shoes of Red is a novella that takes place before all of the books but should be read before Songs of Stone.